Playing Truant Posted on 28 September 2015 by Claire Isaacs - SPS Consultant in General Taking the first couple of days of term as leave, although entirely legitimate, feels like playing truant, so why on earth am I writing this? Not only am I playing truant from the office, but I’ve also stolen a few hours leave from motherhood as Himself takes the small peeps to a theme park. Read More...
World Tourism Day Posted on 27 September 2015 by Samantha in General Today is World Tourism Day! For most people tourism is an interesting and vital part of going on holiday and is an excellent way to embed yourself in the culture of the country you are visiting. But don’t forget that you can be a tourist at home too! Read More...
Humbled by Harvest Posted on 24 September 2015 by Graham Chisnell - Headteacher in General Harvest time in school brings an opportunity to truly develop an understanding of giving and thanksgiving. The gift of generosity to our fellow is a powerful lesson for both children and adults alike... Read More...
A Short Guide to Your Child's Eyes Posted on 23 September 2015 by Admin in Wellbeing Eyesight is important even at a young age. Read this infographic about children's eyesight development and the signs for possible problems. Read More...
Why Teachers Should Use Pinterest Posted on 22 September 2015 by Katerina Kent-Teach in General Teachers can use Pinterest to stay organised, plan lessons, find resources, plan projects and find interesting activities that other teachers across the world are using. If you haven't already joined Pinterest then you really should! Here are our top tips to help teachers get the most out of the platform... Read More...
European Day of Languages Posted on 21 September 2015 by Michelle - Primary School Teacher in General European Day of Languages (officially on the 26th September but celebrated as near to that as possible in our school) is a time for the whole of the school to get involved in language learning. We encourage parents (or anyone that would like to really!) to come in and help to make the day memorable and a great success. In my school I take full benefit of this and get everyone involved in the celebrations... Read More...
Great British Beach Clean: Gloves on - Let's Hit the Beach! Posted on 18 September 2015 by Kerry Briffitt - Eco-Schools Co-ordinator in General My favourite time of the year is upon us! The Great British Beach Clean has been running since 2013 and is organised by the Marine Conservation Society. They encourage people to clean beaches and survey their results to help front campaigns to educate people about the litter found on beaches... Read More...
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - Our Safe Zone Posted on 16 September 2015 by Kerry Briffitt in General A day for the Ozone Layer? How bizarre? The layer we rarely hear about only when we talk about global warming and why we need to wear sun cream. Ozone is a gas that acts like a shield filtering out the dangerous ultraviolet light from the Sun and protecting humans, animals and plants. Read More...
Radicalisation within our schools Posted on 15 September 2015 by Fiona Trigwell - Headteacher in General An article produced by Fiona Trigwell, Headteacher of Sittingbourne Community College to raise awareness and prevention of radicalisation. Read More...
Back to Basics: Writing a Person Specification Posted on 14 September 2015 by Samantha Vandersteen in Career When preparing your vacancy documents it is easy to overlook the person specification or to use a generic or old copy, but taking the time to adapt it to your school and the specific vacancy can actually save you time in the long run. Is your school exactly the same as the school five miles down the road? Probably not. So it’s likely that their Person Specification isn’t going to help you find the candidate that is right for you. Read More...