Health & Wellbeing When Working at Your Desk

Health & Wellbeing When Working at Your Desk
Some of us spend a lot of time sitting at a computer at work. The Kent County Council Health & Safety Team has great advice on how you can look after your health and wellbeing by checking if your workstation is properly set up. Read More...

World Wildlife Day - 3 March 2016

World Wildlife Day - 3 March 2016
3 March marks World Wildlife Day, an international day to raise awareness of wildlife conservation. Find out how you can use this topic in the classroom. Read More...

National Salt Week: 12th - 18th March 2018

National Salt Week: 12th - 18th March 2018
National Salt Week starts on 29 Feb and it's a great time to look at how much salt we are eating and how to be healthier. Find out about foods with hidden salt and top tips on how to cut down salt intake. Read our latest blog post on how to be salt savvy! Read More...

Student Volunteering Week 2016

Student Volunteering Week 2016
Before I started work as an English Language teacher in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, I was unsure about what to expect. I had visions of a classroom full of silent, disengaged students, raising their eyebrows in incredulity as I bumbled my way through my first lesson. It was this feeling of depredation that motivated me to do some volunteer work in a school before I started teaching in earnest. Read More...

A Kent NQT School Teacher's Experience - Q&A

A Kent NQT School Teacher's Experience - Q&A
Will is a primary school teacher in Dartford. He studied for his teaching degree at Chichester University and is in his first post-NQT year of teaching. Tom from the Kent-Teach team met up with him to ask him a few questions about his NQT year and about teaching in general. Read More...

14 Quirky Things You Didn’t Know About Kent

14 Quirky Things You Didn’t Know About Kent
Because it’s more than just the Garden of England 1. Ever wonder where Mick Jagger and Keith Richards first met? Wonder no more because they met at Dartford Railway Station. (Whilst we wouldn’t suggest idly hanging out at a train station, we do recommend exploring Bluewater for food, retail therapy and the blue water that surrounds it.)..... Read More...