Technology in the Classroom: Keep Your Pupils' Focused

Technology in the Classroom: Keep Your Pupils' Focused
Technology has opened up a whole world of amazing resources for teachers and students to use in the classroom but it is all too easy for them to become a hindrance rather than a help! Follow our infographic to keep your students on task when they are learning with devices... Read More...

Kent-Teach's Top Tips for Settling in to Kent

You’ve secured a brand new teaching opportunity in Kent, you’ve found a place to live, decorated your new classroom and met your new pupils…but when you are living in a new area sometimes it hard to know how to kick back and relax when the teaching day has ended… Read More...

Ofsted and e-Safety: updates for September 2014

Ofsted and e-Safety: updates for September 2014
In July 2014 Ofsted published the updated version of their School Inspection Framework ready for use in September 2014. Ofsted have significantly reduced the number of guidance documents which they publish for inspectors, schools and other stakeholders. This has resulted in there now being just three guidance documents: The framework for school inspection; School inspection handbook and Inspecting safeguarding in maintained schools and academies. Read More...

Social Networking for Teachers – Practical Tips

Social Networking for Teachers – Practical Tips
There have been many articles written about social networking and teachers, varying from sensible advice to horror stories and scaremongering. In this blog post, Kent’s e-Safety Officer, will share some practical tips about using social media as a teacher safely. Read More...

Surviving the Autumn Term

Surviving the Autumn Term
The autumn term in particular can feel particularly punishing with curriculum changes, new colleagues to get to know and fresh pupil names to learn, not to mention that as soon as half term hits we start hurtling towards Christmas! These factors don’t exactly add up to a stress-free first term and it’s often your own health and wellbeing that takes the biggest toll. Here are our top tips for surviving the tough autumn term: Read More...

Stepping out of the Shadows: Why I Chose to Become a Headteacher

Stepping out of the Shadows: Why I Chose to Become a Headteacher
Less than a year ago, at the Kent Deputy Headteacher conference, a representative from the LA asked the delegates if they were interested in becoming headteachers. Those who were raised their hands - I was not one of them. A month ago, I secured my first headship. So, what changed? How did I go from being adamant that I didn't want a headship to actually taking that next step? Read More...

Food & Colour!

Food & Colour!
We often hear about antioxidants being good for us in ‘superfoods’ such as blueberries and broccoli, but what do they actually do and why are they good for us? Read More...

Allergy Proof Yourself!

Allergy Proof Yourself!
Are you sneezing, itching, coughing or suffering with a runny nose? If so, you may be the 1 in 4 people in the UK who experience an allergy to some degree. Here are some foods you can eat to prevent you suffering from allergies. Read More...

The Importance of Learning Outside

The Importance of Learning Outside
The concept of learning outside the classroom and outdoor learning has been with us now for a number of years. The Government’s 2006 Outdoor Learning Manifesto outlines that ‘every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances.’ It defines learning outside the classroom as ‘the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning.’ Read More...

Getting Started

Getting Started
Let me start by introducing myself, I am (finally) a Primary school teacher in Kent. This is my third teaching role since graduating university in 2010. I don’t know about you, but when I first qualified, I did not know how hard it would be to find a job, let alone know how to be any good at it! Read More...