5 Ways To De-Stress At The End Of The Working Day

Unfortunately, work can be taxing at times. You may relate to feeling exhausted, anxious, or even overwhelmed by the end of the working day, which can quickly start to impact your life outside of work.

If this is the case, it’s time to take action to up your self-care game and take the time to unwind after work each day. This will help to ensure that you have a good work-life balance, where your job doesn’t interfere with your personal life. Read on for our top tips to help you to de-stress at the end of the working day. 

1) Workout

Hitting the gym may be the last activity you want to do after a long day at work. But, exercise has several benefits for your health and wellbeing. Not only is it known to release chemicals in your brain that make you feel happier, it can help you to feel more energised and improve your sleep quality

Working out can easily fit around your work schedule, so do what feels right for you. Whether you only have time for a quick 15 minutes, or can workout for an hour, it’s all an achievement. And if going for a run sounds like your version of hell, why not go for a bike ride, a brisk walk, play a game of badminton with friends, or go for a swim. 

2) Meditate

Meditation is more than sitting in a quiet room humming ‘ohm’. It’s been proven to reduce cortisol production, which is a stress-induced hormone. Therefore, it can help to calm your mind and make you feel more relaxed. This can be hugely beneficial to teachers, whose minds are often full of all sorts of worries by the end of the working day.

If you’re keen to try out meditation, you can learn a range of different breathing exercises from the comfort of your own home, thanks to the handy knowledge of the internet. However, you could also consider classes in tai chi and yoga to get you started. 

3) Allocate set work time

If you’re bringing work home with you, it can easily eat into your down time. This can stop you from relaxing and prevent you from unwinding, only making you feel more stressed. 

For teachers, it’s inevitable that you’ll have to do some work in the evenings. If you’ve got marking or lesson planning to do, try to allocate yourself a set period of time to do this in. 

There’s no need for your work to be taking over your personal time entirely. In fact, if your employer isn’t respectful of your need for a work-life balance, it might be time to look for a new position.

4) Listen to music

Music is a great way to unwind and is proven to help you feel happier. In fact, research says that good music can stimulate the production of dopamine, making you feel relaxed and cheerful. 

So take some time out of your day to listen to your favourite tunes, whether that’s upbeat and energetic, or calming and soothing. You could even combine this with your workout by bringing along your headphones and enjoying some time outside the house. 

5) Make time for a hobby

Making time to do something you enjoy will help you to feel positive and energised. Hobbies are the perfect opportunity to get involved with something new and there are loads of options depending on what suits your lifestyle.

What’s more, taking up a hobby can give you the chance to learn new skills and set yourself personal goals. You could choose something creative such as drawing, painting or writing to help take your mind off work. Many communities have clubs and groups for people with the same hobbies to get together and practice their skills. This also gives you the chance to meet new people!

Finding something you enjoy is a great way to chill out. What’s more, you’ll be surprised how gratifying it is having another focus beyond work. 

Work can leave us feeling stressed and drained, so it’s important that you take control and allow your mind to relax and recuperate. Make sure you’re putting your health first to avoid ending the week feeling run-down and exhausted.  Try out the techniques above to help you out and most importantly, find what works for you. 

Need some more ideas on how you can relax after a long day at work? Why not read our blog on '8 Relaxation Tips for A Happier Healthier You'.

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