Classroom Display Boards: The Pros and Cons

Today bulletin boards are so popular that they are not only seen in schools and colleges but also in various corporate offices and other business places. There are several functions of a bulletin board in a school environment. They serve as a learning center, provide various information and details about the school, school schedule, birthdays, events happening or going to take place in future, exam schedules, etc. and they are also a great spot to display important student works. These bulletin boards are great for especially those students who are visual learners. 

There are different types of bulletin boards which you can read about in this infographic. There are also several pros and cons that have been listed in the infographic from Inflows, which will give you a better understanding of the bulletin boards. One of the main back draws of a bulletin board is when a particular student's work frequently makes to the bulletin board, the others may feel anguish. There are many advantages of creating a healthy competition and probably also motivate students who make it to the board. Nevertheless, other students especially the ones who have not been able to get their work displayed on the bulletin boards might feel depressed. Well, there are many more pointers and you can read it all in the detailed infographic.

Big thanks to for sharing this infographic with us! We hope you find it useful and that you are able to create more effective classroom displays at your school. Send us some pictures of yours, using social media!

Are you looking for more resources to make your classrooms a more positive environment? Try a lesson plan that includes these word clouds, that you could then put up on your classroom wall to remind your students of the positive qualities that their peers remind them of, every day!
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