5 Timeless Children's Books

5 Timeless Children's Books
In the digital age it has never been easier for children to access literature. There are millions of books to discover. But, despite vast amounts of choice, some children's books remain timeless. See our top 5 picks for children's books which will never go out of fashion. Read More...

Health Inequality in the UK - Giving Everyone the Opportunity to Live a Healthy Life

Health Inequality in the UK - Giving Everyone the Opportunity to Live a Healthy Life
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted many inequalities that exist in the UK. These imbalances show that there is a distinct link between social deprivation and the ability to live a healthy life. In this article we explore how to give everyone the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle through achieving better financial wellbeing which promotes the World Health Organisation’s campaign to build a fairer and healthier world. Read More...

Thamesview School Case Study– Supporting Staff’s Wellbeing

Thamesview School Case Study– Supporting Staff’s Wellbeing
For Kent-Teach, wellbeing and teacher retention is a top priority. With dedicated Wellbeing Advisors, we work closely with schools in and around Kent to help support them with employee wellbeing. As part of our ongoing commitment to wellbeing, we asked one of our valued Kent-Teach Customers, Thamesview School, to share their experience of establishing a Wellbeing Programme for their staff. Read More...

10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Personal Statement

10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Personal Statement
The personal statement is possibly the most important part of any job application as it is where you can show employers why you are perfect for the job, so it is vital to take your time to get it right. Here are 10 tips to ensure your personal statement is the best it can be and give you the best chance of securing a job interview. Read More...

Learnings from Lockdown

Learnings from Lockdown
Almost overnight, lockdown shook the education landscape to its core. Despite rallying around to keep pupils in education, students struggled to maintain motivation away from teachers, peers, and trusted learning tools. Once schools returned, it was proven that the classroom, the people, and technologies it contains, are truly the centre of learning. This article explores the learnings from coronavirus lockdown and how the education sector can use technology to support learning more effectively in the future. Read More...

6 Ways to Encourage Children to Read This World Book Day

6 Ways to Encourage Children to Read This World Book Day
Over the last few decades, reading has faced growing competition from TV, gaming, tablets, and smartphones for children’s leisure time. So how can you encourage children and teenagers to choose reading over screen time? Here are 6 ways to help your family spend more time reading and reaping the benefits that reading can bring. Read More...

What is the International Day of Forests?

What is the International Day of Forests?
The International Day of Forests is vital as it helps raise awareness; reminding us all why we need forests and inspiring people to do little tasks across the globe that combine to make a big difference Read More...

Supporting Pupils Returning to the Classroom

Supporting Pupils Returning to the Classroom
Covid-19 has impacted all of our lives whether it be professional, personal or both. Children have experienced a great deal of upheaval over the last 12 months and have had to adjust to many changes. For some transitioning back into the classroom will be challenging. In this blog we explore different ways to help children re-adjust to school life. Read More...