4 Incredible Ways Taking Your Kids on Holiday Boosts Their Development

Going on holiday as a family is an amazing way to see the world in a new light, through your kids’ eyes. Whilst you might see a delayed changeover flight as a bore, they might see it as a chance to eat food they don’t get at home, or explore the airport. Chances are you’ll also be a little more lenient with their routine than you might be at home – and they’re sure to relish a later bedtime or being able to have an ice cream every day. 

Travelling together creates precious memories that you and your kids will treasure. But did you know that as well as the bonding aspect, going on holiday can boost your child’s development? Travelling away from home can be a real learning experience for adults and children alike, and it’s a great chance to teach your kids some valuable life skills. Let’s explore the developmental benefits of a family trip away.

1) Promotes Learning About Other Cultures

It’s easy for kids to stay in a bubble – after all, they’re dependent on adults to take them to new places. Going on holiday, particularly if you go abroad, is the perfect chance for them to broaden their horizons and learn about a new place and culture. 

Not only is this exciting, but it teaches empathy and an understanding that their way of doing things is not the only way. It teaches them to be accepting of others who live their lives in a different way to themselves. Long-term, it may even inspire them and set in place a love for travel that lasts for the rest of their lives.

2) Boosts Independence

If you want to have a relaxing holiday as a parent, you’ll probably want to let your children be a little independent (within safe, reasonable limits). For example, if you’re staying in a resort, older children may make friends with other children at the pool and ask to meet up with them for ice cream or a play date. Whilst they’ll still be under the supervision of the other child’s parents, they’ll be away from you, and this can be a big step. However, letting them go off and explore will give you some quiet time, and help them learn to make new friends.

Additionally, you may need older children to amuse themselves whilst you handle navigating the airport and getting everyone to the plane on time. Doing so will help kids start to learn about how to take responsibility for themselves and keep entertained without the aid of a TV or their regular toys. This is a skill everyone will be grateful for when you get back home!

3) Introduces Budgeting

Many children may not have had any introduction to money yet, but keeping track of what we spend is a skill that is beneficial throughout life. Teaching your kids to be financially literate will help your children when they’re older and start earning money of their own, as well as when they potentially head to university or start saving for their first home. It’s also important to normalise talking about money within your family to avoid any anxiety around the topic.

Holidays are a great chance to let older kids take the reins for a day and plan a big day out – part of which involves sticking to a budget you give them. On a smaller scale, you can give them some spending money, and get them to calculate how much they have left as they go through the trip. 

4) Helps Children Adapt to Change

Kids (and their parents) can come to rely on routine to feel settled and secure. Life tends to revolve around school, homework, hobbies and home life, without too much variation. A holiday, on the other hand, requires kids to sleep in a different place, eat different meals, and generally be more adaptable and adventurous. This is especially true if you can’t get a flight to tie in with your normal hours and end up travelling when the kids are usually sleeping.

Whilst this might seem like a recipe for disaster, a bit of change is no bad thing. Your children will learn to get comfortable with new environments and people, which will help them be more relaxed as they go through life. In the unlikely event that something doesn’t quite go to plan – for example, a water park you want to go to is closed due to the weather – it also teaches them how to make the most of a new situation, and turn a negative into a positive. 

Holiday for a week, skills for life.

It’s clear that taking your kids on holiday can be beneficial for all the family. All that’s left to do is plan your next trip – perhaps with a bit of input from your little ones.

Wherever you end up in the world this summer holidays we hope you have the most fantastic time! And if you are staying closer to home we have some great guides for things to do in Kent to keep you busy!

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