Carers Week 2020

In the UK it is estimated that there are 6.5 million people who are carers. Carers may be looking after a family member or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, or who needs extra help as they grow older. As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, people across the country are facing new challenges and perhaps taking on additional caring responsibilities for loved ones who may require more assistance during this difficult time.

Caring can be very rewarding, but without the right support, it can negatively impact all aspects of the carer’s life, from health and relationships to money and work. Many people feel that caring is one of the most important things that they do but it can be incredibly tough. If you are a carer it is vital that you look after yourself too, especially at the moment when you may be providing more care combined with increased everyday stresses.

If you are a carer and require some support, many organisations can help you. We have listed 4 organisations in Kent that provide support below:

Crossroads Care

Crossroads Care offers a range of support to carers in Kent from running Carer’s Cafes, crisis services to free short breaks which allow the carer to step back from their responsibilities for a few hours to rest and recharge their batteries.

Carers First Medway

Carers First offer a telephone befriending service for carers who feel isolated. The organisation also facilitates an online carers forum giving carers opportunities to talk to others with similar experiences.


Imago provides a variety of support options for carers including a low-cost counselling service and specialist information, advice and guidance for young adult carers.

Kent Young Carers

The Kent Young Carers Hub is available for young carers to call Monday to Friday 9-5 pm to talk about your needs and can provide information, advice and signposting.

In addition to seeking support from specialist organisations, there are many ways you can improve your wellbeing with some self-help exercises such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and spending time outdoors.

You can find up to date coronavirus advice and information for unpaid carers here.

If your caring responsibilities are increasing your stress levels read these 10 ways to manage stress levels

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