Dyslexia Awareness

Dyslexia is a different way of processing information in the brain. While it is often associated with poor spelling and difficulty sounding out words in reading, it can also lead to increased creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and an ability to see the greater picture. 

There is often a lot of confusion surrounding dyslexia and the correct terminology to use, it may be called a learning difference, difficulty or disability. It might not seem like these terms are that different but each name conveys a subtle message. Disabilities are lifelong impairment, difficulties are challenges that can often be overcome and differences are alternative approaches to thinking. Changing the dialogue around dyslexia in your home or school begins with using labels that avoid added stigma.

There have been profound changes in attitudes toward dyslexia in recent years. Parents and teachers are much more aware that at least 10% (and as many as 20%) of all children have a reading challenge. But more importantly, they are becoming aware that these children are some of the brightest and most creative. Children with dyslexia struggle to make the connections required for reading, but they make other connections that the rest of us miss.

Have a look at our infographic below to find out more interesting facts about dyslexia:

Many parents worry about their child's reading, if you want to find out about how you can help, have a look at this useful guide with tips on helping your child learn to read. 

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