Healthy Eating - Quinoa Breakfast Porridge

This recipe is by nutritionist Madeleine Shaw and you can find more recipes like this from her book Get The Glow.

To save time in the morning you can make it the night before so you can just reheat it the next day. You can also prep a few bowls for the week ahead.

Quinoa is an awesome grain to have for breakfast as it is loaded with protein. Protein will keep you full, energised and satisfied throughout the day. The coconut milk gives the quinoa a nice creamy texture. If you are not a fan of coconut milk, then you can try almond, rice or oat milk.

You can topped this with raspberries, or any of your favourite fruit.


makes 2 bowls of porridge

100g of quinoa
500ml of coconut milk (almond milk, rice milkā€¦)
1 vanilla pod
1 apple
1 tsp of cinnamon
1 tbsp of honey
100g of raspberries
2 tbsp of chia seeds


Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the vanilla and grate the apple. Rinse the quinoa and transfer to a pot, pour in 350ml of coconut milk, apple and honey. Bring the pot to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes.

Take the lid off your pot and add in the rest of the milk, cinnamon and vanilla. Cook for another 4 minutes then take it off the heat, throw in the chia seeds and stir well.

Taste and see if you need more honey.

Transfer to a bowl and top with berries.

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