Nexus Education Schools Trust
Federation Description
Joydens Wood Junior School is a successful, vibrant school, a school where children come first. We have a highly motivated, resourceful and committed team of staff and governors who care about and nurture the needs of every child.
We want our children to be happy at school and for learning to be fun and challenging. We set high expectations and want to give our children every opportunity to become confident and independent learners. We work closely with parents to ensure this happens and recognise the importance of good communication between home and school.
Nexus Education Schools Trust (NEST), is a multi-academy trust made up of 19 primary schools located in the Boroughs of Bromley, Kent, Lewisham & Southwark. All are judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted, creating an exceptional & distinctive learning community of primary schools.
Schools in this Federation
Vacancies at this Federation
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