Ripplevale Lower School


School Description

Ripplevale School is an independent day special school for pupils aged from 6 to 18 years old who have an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) with a diagnosis of ASD, often with associated conditions.

Ripplevale School is situated over two sites. Ripplevale Lower School is situated in Broadstairs, teaching a Primary provision and Ripplevale Upper School is based in the village of Ripple near Deal, with our Secondary and Post 16 provision.

We have a committed and dedicated team which includes teachers, teaching assistants, higher level teaching assistants, a range of therapists, administrative staff and support staff. All play a significant role in the education and development of each pupil and work to create a warm, informal, friendly atmosphere in which the pupils feel secure, safe and confident.

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Ripplevale Lower School



57 Gladstone Road
CT10 2HY

School Information