At Delce Academy, we aspire to succeed and work together to achieve.
We strongly believe that every child has the ability to reach their full potential with the correct nurturing and teaching. We work in partnership with parents and the local community to provide nothing less than outstanding education for all our children.
This is reflected in our core values, which are at the heart of all that we do: Respect, Collaboration, Kindness, Perseverance, Honesty and Responsibility. We are a school to which the whole school community - pupils, staff, parents and Governors - are proud to belong.
Each of these values permeates our curriculum offer and underpins every interaction within our school community. Our aim is to provide a safe, happy and stimulating learning environment that encourages, engages and inspires all learners.
We achieve this by:
Ensuring all our pupils value all their learning opportunities and experiences and become life-long learners;
Providing a safe, secure environment where pupils are encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyles;
Recognising the worth of individuals, developing their independence and their self-esteem;
Encouraging respect, tolerance and consideration not only within the school but among the wider community;
Providing consistent expectations for behaviour for learning;
Delivering a broad and balanced curriculum through a range of teaching and learning experiences;
Respecting the right to a common curriculum where pupils can enjoy their education;
Encouraging pupils to prepare for their future economic well-being;
Establishing and maintaining positive partnership with parents and carers and their children.