Halling Primary School


School Description

At Halling Primary School, we pride ourselves on our behaviour for learning, happy atmosphere and nurturing approach. We firmly believe that every child has the ability to achieve and at Halling, we make it our mission to guide and develop all children to ensure that they reach their full potential in a supportive environment, involving parents/carers every step of the way.

Our vision is clear at Halling: Learning for Life. We are extremely proud to lead a team of dedicated, hardworking and enthusiastic members of staff, who provide the best possible learning opportunities for our children. Staff and governors work in unison to ensure that Halling’s children have a broad and balanced curriculum, a range of extra-curricular activities and skills which enable all children to move on to the next stage in their lives. Whether a child’s next stage is moving year groups, key stage, or even to secondary school, at Halling we have very successful transition process and support in place for children and parents.

Our most recent Ofsted Inspection graded Halling as ‘good’ overall with ‘outstanding’ personal development. (June 2023)

We are a part of Aletheia Academies Trust. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment. Each child’s self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with staff and effective communication with parents/carers. We strive to include our parents, staff, governors, and community to ensure strong liaisons with the community.

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Halling Primary School



Howlsmere Close

School Information