Churchill CEP School
School Description
We are proud of our fabulous one-form entry primary school, which serves the community of Westerham, a charming market town in Kent. The school, which is situated in amazing grounds, attained Ofsted "Good" in Jan 2020, and is continuing to grow from strength to strength.
We provide a safe and caring environment for our children where they can thrive, whilst promoting Christian and British values. Naturally the children are considered to be our greatest asset, which ensures they are at the heart of our strategic and operational decision making. The school fosters an ethos where our pupils are keen to learn, well-behaved and a joy to teach. We encourage their development into caring and socially minded individuals, who value diversity and inclusion and who actively support the local community and beyond with initiatives; supporting the local food bank and a variety of local charities are just two examples.
Our collective behaviours, teaching and decision-making are underpinned by our vision and core values; all of which ensure a well-founded and consistent approach in everything we do.
We have strong links with St Mary’s Church Westerham and participate in the many activities aligned with the religious calendar, which draws us closer to the community as a whole. A team from the church regularly lead our worship, providing guidance to ensure that Christian worship and distinctiveness are an integral part of the school.
The school has a breakfast club and after school club which can be used by staff.
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