Bodsham CEP School
School Description
Bodsham School is set in the heart of the beautiful Kentish countryside and is Federated with Saltwood Church of England Primary school outside Hythe. There are 74 pupils on roll arranged in four classes. Year R are taught separately and there are mixed age classes from Year 1 to Year 6. The Christian ethos is central to the running of the school and there is strong support from our community of parents and carers, as reflected in our Ofsted Inspection in June 2022 which described the school as Good with Outstanding features.
Children receive a rich and varied education in our lovely grounds and we use the school minibus to help children experience trips to local sites of interest. Numbers of pupils on the special needs register and receiving free school meals are below the national average.
All staff at Bodsham CEP benefit from our Federation with Saltwood CEP by sharing staff development events, having regular opportunities for collaboration in areas such as moderation and planning and accessing the support and resources a larger school can provide.