Rowhill School

About The School

Please see a letter from our Chair of Governors.

Rowhill School is a day Foundation Special School and are full members of the Co-operative Trust KSENT. The school currently has 106 children and young adults on roll between the age of 5 and 16 with a wide range of needs including communication and interaction difficulties as well as behavioural, social, learning difficulties and mental health needs. Over 40% of pupils are identified as having Autistic Spectrum Condition as part of their needs profile.  

Rowhill is a founder member of the Kent Special Education Needs Trust, a Co-operative Trust. This ensures that Rowhill is secure in its status as a Foundation School and is able to draw on the wide ranging facilities and professional expertise that exists between the growing member and associated special schools in Kent. 

There are currently 35 Primary aged pupils and 74 Secondary aged pupils on the same site but operating as two departments. Pupils can start at Rowhill School at any stage in their school career. Once accepted onto the school roll each pupil is continuously monitored so that staff can ensure they are supported appropriately and that we can adjust our way of working to support the child through their next stage of development.

Our team of dedicated staff work closely with pupils to create an ethos of care, respect and success. At Rowhill School our aim is to develop the responsible citizen for tomorrow, by raising self-esteem and independence through education and care. 

We have an impressive building with specialist rooms, resources and opportunities for our students. These include a Sports Hall, ICT Suite, specialist areas for Design & Technology, Science, Art, Music, Food Technology, Construction, Hair and Beauty and Mechanics. These facilities are used extensively by all our students including our newly established sixth formers. 

Rowhill is very outward looking with a range of curriculum initiatives that bring regular contact with the local community other schools and organisations in the area.  For example, Rowhill has developed as a Forest School, an innovative approach to learning which we are very proud to facilitate. Almost all of the primary children have taken part in outdoor activities delivered by a qualified level 3 Forest School leader who encourages children to develop their own ideas and to experience success in their chosen task. A number of projects are currently in progress including a semi-permanent shelter, a fire pit area and most recently a Willow tunnel. You can find more information on Rowhill Forest School here. Our students also engage in ‘Challenger Troop’, Archway Motorcycle training and numerous other extra-curricular activities. 

In addition, we promote our young adults to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award and 4 of our students have recently completed their Bronze Award and were the first pupils ever to do so at Rowhill. We hope that this success can be emanated in future by our students to further our mission to encourage our students to become more independent and increase their self-confidence. 

Please see a copy of our latest OFSTED Report

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