Chinese New Year 2018 – When Is It? Which animal is it this year?

Chinese New Year is a time for families to come together and wish each other peace and prosperity. This annual event is based on the lunar calendar, so it usually falls between 21st January and 20th February, this year the New Year starts on Friday 16th February. Each year there is a zodiac animal represented on the lunar-solar Chinese calendar and people born in that year are said to have similar personality traits to that animal.

If somebody is born between February 16th 2018 and 5th February 2019 then they will have been born in the year of the dog! All in all there are 12 zodiac animals, and the Dog is the 11th of 12 animals; therefore the lunar calendar has a 12 year cycle. People born in the year of the dog are said to be independent, sincere, loyal , decisive and not afraid of difficulties in daily life - according to the zodiac analysis. For those also born in the year of the dog previously, you are said to face a year full of challenges, your career may face changes and your financial condition will not be as good as last year.

Not born in the year of the dog? Find out what your Chinese zodiac animal is:

If you want to find out your lucky colours, numbers, flowers and your personality traits, then visit China Highlights and see if you’re due some luck in the year of the dog!

Is there a new job waiting for you in the year of the dog? Make sure you know about these 3 ways to drastically improve your 2018 job search!

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