Priory Infant School

About The School

Please read a letter from our Chair of Governors

You can also view a copy of our latest Ofsted inspection report.

Priory Infant School  is “A small school with a big heart” with an extremely good reputation that is continually over-subscribed. 

Priory Infants is a 2 form entry school in the heart of Ramsgate. It was built 25 years ago and has 6 spacious classrooms and an extension to include a community room, FLO office and 2 rooms used for group work for children with SALT and SEN needs. The school has invested recently in redeveloping the outdoor play areas and has a dedicated wildlife area with pond and vegetable plot

Priory works very well with parents and carers and this is central to our school ethos. We aim to do all we can to give children and their families the best start to their school lives – to build confidence, self-esteem and a can-do attitude.

“Our core purpose is to work together with all children and their families to enable individuals to make the most of their abilities and talents, whatever they are, by developing curious, thoughtful, creative learners who will be active and caring members of tomorrow’s society.”

The school serves a mixed catchment area. There are a high number of single parent families and many families have experienced generational unemployment. There are growing numbers of children from professional families and several children with EAL. About a quarter of our children receive SEN support in some form.

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