How Teachers Can Support A Student That is Being Bullied

How Teachers Can Support A Student That is Being Bullied
A student being bullied is an awful experience, that can influence their emotions, confidence, education and social skills, so it is very important as a teacher and school you can support children if this happens to them. Within this blog are some examples of what to do and how to identify a bullied student. Read More...

What to Do if Your Child is Being Bullied

What to Do if Your Child is Being Bullied
Bullying is a topic we know a lot about but never expect for it to happen to our own child. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and children can at times experience bullying. This blog depicts what signs to look out for as well as offering advice for parents whose children may be experiencing bullying. Read More...

Activities to Celebrate Maths Week at your Primary School

Activities to Celebrate Maths Week at your Primary School
Maths is such an important subject and is so integral to the modern world in engineering, computing and science that it is vital more young people gain an interest in the subject in the hope that they pursue it at university or as a career. So how can we do this and help young children enjoy mathematics? Read More...

14 Time Saving Tips for Planning and Marking

14 Time Saving Tips for Planning and Marking
Many teachers feel like they don’t have a life during term time with the endless amount of planning and marking. Here we have gathered some tips to help you manage your workload and take back your evenings. Read More...

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day
As a Wellbeing Consultant working alongside schools in Kent, I am regularly having conversations with educators who are witnessing a decline in their staff’s mental health and overall wellbeing. World Mental Health Day acts as a good reminder that we all have a role to play in prioritising mental health and wellbeing in schools. Read More...

Recruitment Checks on School Staff - Everything You Need to Know

Recruitment Checks on School Staff - Everything You Need to Know
When you apply for a job in a school you will be subject to a number of additional recruitment checks which you would not normally be required to undergo in other sectors. In this blog we explain what these checks are and why they are carried out to help you understand the recruitment process better. Read More...

Stoptober And Sober October

Stoptober And Sober October
Stoptober gives people the opportunity to try and give up smoking for the month, which in turn, makes it more likely they will give it up for good. 2.3 million people have made an attempt to quit since the campaign launched in 2012, according to Public Health England’s monitoring evaluation data. Read More...