To Zumba or not to Zumba?

To Zumba or not to Zumba?
We all know that shaking it on the dance floor (or our living room, car, wherever) makes us feel really good. And we know that it can make us break into a sweat. But what about the amazing health benefits that are associated with dancing? Read More...

10 Tips for National Childhood Obesity Week

10 Tips for National Childhood Obesity Week
Being overweight has various long and short term health risks. Obesity can increase anxiety, low self-esteem and depression. It can also effect sleep, raise blood pressure, and continue into adulthood. It is not too late to potentially reduce these risks and encourage a better lifestyle. We’ve found 10 tips on how to help prevent childhood obesity... Read More...

Culture Shock (Part 1)

Culture Shock (Part 1)
The culture of a school is so important; it is the culture that shapes everything that happens in the school: it is the way in which the adults work together which impacts upon our teaching; it is the way in which we treat the pupils which impact on learning; it is the language that we use in school; it is the way we distribute attention and respect and how we respond to setbacks and difficulties. So how do we define culture? ... Read More...

Pop Bottle Planters

Pop Bottle Planters
I’d recently been scouring Pinterest to find some interesting, fun and engaging ways to teach some of the science topics in Year 3 when I came across these pop bottle biomes. They looked great and I thought they would provide our classes with a great opportunity to engage in some design technology and our science topic for this term; plants. I always like the chance to show the children in my class science in action and this small project is easy to set up... Read More...

A school trip to Serre Chevalier, French Alps

A school trip to Serre Chevalier, French Alps
It was an early start for all staff and students as breakfast was soon followed by packing our bags and getting ready to leave for the Mountain tops. We departed from Serre Chevalier, the town in which the DGS hotel is based, and headed for the source of the River Guisane. Read More...

A Memorable Trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park!

A Memorable Trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park!
As part of our Enrichment Programme, on Monday 16th May, Herne Bay Junior School’s minibus, with 11 children and three adults, headed for the Yorkshire hills. Our mission was to share an overnight camp in the Scout’s Bunkhouse near Barnsley, followed by a day at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park... Read More...

School Accomplishments - how proud of your class are you?

School Accomplishments - how proud of your class are you?
As the end of term beckons, we thought it would be a great idea for you to reminisce the past school year by sharing with the education community what your children have achieved and the activities they have enjoyed mostly throughout the school year. The Kent-Teach Blog is a brilliant platform for you to do this; send us your accomplishments and we will post them on our blog and send you some Kent-Teach goodies too. Read More...

20 Benefits of Cycling

20 Benefits of Cycling
Each year in June Bike Week is held which is an annual opportunity to promote cycling and show how cycling can easily be a part of everyday life. Cycling has a number of benefits that will undoubtedly have you on your bike. Cycling has a number of benefits that will undoubtedly have you on your bike. By cycling, you will... Read More...