World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2016

World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2016
World Mental Health Day is today and provides an opportunity to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world. The theme for this year is Psychological First Aid and the support people can provide to those in need. Director of Mental Health & Creative Media Teacher, Clare Erasmus provides some inspiring and interesting information in her recent blog post... Read More...

The Benefits of Using LinkedIn for Teachers

The Benefits of Using LinkedIn for Teachers
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with hundreds of millions of members, and it is growing rapidly. The education industry is vastly changing and in recent years, LinkedIn has become an excellent networking tool for schools and more schools are using the professional network as part of their recruitment processes... Read More...

Week 5: Help I'm a New Teacher

Week 5: Help I'm a New Teacher
Ensure you look for evidence that shows how you are meeting each of the teacher standards. You should look at providing evidence for the heading (in bold) and you should aim to collect ONE piece of evidence for each standard every term (so six pieces of evidence throughout the year)... Read More...

Wellbeing October!

Wellbeing October!
We're dedicating October to wellbeing so look out for blog posts, our Teacher Wellbeing Twitter Chat and #TeacherWellbeingPledge competition! Read More...

#TeacherWellbeingPledge competition

#TeacherWellbeingPledge competition
October is wellbeing month at Kent-Teach and to kick it off here is a chance to win a Fitbit! Simply make a #TeacherWellbeingPledge and share it with us via video on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Read More...

Week 4: Help I'm a New Teacher

Week 4: Help I'm a New Teacher
I have been meeting with a lot of school-based mentors since my last blog entry and it’s great to hear their reports on how many of you are settling in. One of the questions that has cropped up several times is, what should my new teacher be collecting ready for their portfolio of evidence... Read More...

Week 3: Help I’m a New Teacher

Week 3: Help I’m a New Teacher
Week 3 as a new teacher. This is a good time to take a look at your social media settings and think about your posts as you don't need extra stress during your NQT Induction. Read More...