The Power of Why

The Power of Why
Have you ever asked yourself Why? People will be doing this all the time, but not really realising or acting upon the outcome of Why... Read More...

Solution Focussed vs Blame Focussed

Solution Focussed vs Blame Focussed
We are so used to reading or hearing from the media when politicians, public servants and indeed teachers get things wrong. At these moments, the media often delights in pointing the finger at the perpetrator and demanding justice. As a primary school leader, I often come across scenarios where things go wrong... Read More...

3 Ways to Drastically Improve Your 2018 Job Search

3 Ways to Drastically Improve Your 2018 Job Search
You have the teaching qualification and the teaching experience, now all you need is the dream job. Let 2018 be the year that you find it. So, whether you’re looking for the next rung of the career ladder or you’re a recent graduate hungry for your first job, we have compiled a list of three ways to boost your 2018 job search in the education sector. Read More...

Mindfulness - Medicine for the Mind

Mindfulness - Medicine for the Mind
One of the oldest and most important topics that most early years settings have covered over the many decades is ‘People who help us’. I would argue that this topic is essential... Read More...