National Thank a Teacher Day 2024

This time last week (Wednesday, the 19th of June), was National Thank a Teacher Day, a day for children, students, staff and parents to come together to thank those who have made an impact in their life. So, we thought this would be a perfect opportunity for you to tell us all about your favourite teachers in Kent.

Our Facebook competition ran between the 2nd and 10th of June. In that time, our followers sent us many nominations for teachers they feel deserve to be celebrated for their hard work, caring personalities, and incredible impacts on students, parents, and co-workers' lives. It was truly heartwarming to read such fantastic comments about so many teachers!

While a group of randomly selected winners won some special prizes, we knew we needed to celebrate the nominated teachers that received such lovely compliments and share the wonderful stories that have been told to us! So, here's a compilation of the inspiring comments we received (with names and personal details removed for privacy).

Competition Winners!!

Scarlett and I were lucky enough to hand deliver the gifts on National Thank a Teacher Day and meet some of the fantastic teachers in person. Some of them knew we were coming, for some it was a surprise but for us it was an absolute joy and pleasure to take the opportunity to meet and thank these awesome teachers.