10 Reasons to Advertise With Kent-Teach Posted on 27 November 2023 by Becky Duncan, Kent-Teach in Schools When looking for a new platform to advertise your vacancy you will see a huge amount of organisations offering recruitment advertising services on your Google search results. But which platform should you choose? It is important to advertise your vacancy on the right platform to ensure your vacancies are viewed by the right candidates, this is the first step to ensuring you receive quality applications to your adverts. Here are 10 reasons you should advertise your vacancy on the Kent-Teach website:1) We Are Specialists in Education. Kent-Teach only advertises roles in schools, nurseries, colleges and education organisations, so you can be assured that candidates visiting our website are looking for opportunities in the education sector. Our team have specialist knowledge of education and are on hand to answer any of your questions or any queries from applicants themselves. 2) High Website Traffic. So far in 2023 we have received over 2,775,000 visits to our website. This traffic is specifically from users looking for education vacancies or our education related articles and information. 3) Three Advertising Packages Available. We offer 3 different advertising packages to provide cost effective recruitment solutions for your organisation tailored to your advertising needs. 4) Free Recruitment Advice. If you are on a monthly or monthly+ package with Kent-Teach then you can speak to a recruitment advisor for recommendations on your advert or your advertising strategy to maximise the number of quality applications you will receive. Monthly+ customers will also benefit from free copy writing services, so get in touch with a member of the team today for support with all things recruitment.5) Access to the Kent-Teach Application Form. We provide access for all advertising customers to the Kent-Teach application form which can be used on your adverts. Using our online application form will help you to increase the number of applications you receive and help you to stay GDPR compliant. Here are 8 reasons why you should use the Kent-Teach application form when advertising on Kent-Teach.6) Support With Headteacher Recruitment. Did you know that if you are on a monthly or monthly+ package with Kent-Teach you will receive support from the Kent-Teach team to recruit a new Headteacher? We will build a bespoke microsite to advertise the role and showcase your school for free! If you have a Headteacher vacancy in your school get in touch with us for more information about we can help you.7) Social Media Listings. All adverts placed on Kent-Teach will get placed on our social media channels (Facebook and LinkedIn) as part of the package or ad-hoc advertising fee. We have over 25,000 followers so this is great exposure for your vacancy and an opportunity to reach passive candidates who may not be actively searching for vacancies on our website. 8) Social Media Advertising. Kent-Teach customers can take advantage of our great value social media advertising services to promote hard to fill roles to passive candidates on social media. We currently offer this service on Facebook only but watch this space as new packages will be launching in 2024!9) Added Value Services. Kent-Teach are always looking at new ways to encourage individuals to work in the education sector or get into teaching. We run various campaigns to promote education careers to address the current teacher shortage and we provide information to individuals looking to become a teacher. Our latest campaign, in collaborations with Homes for Ukraine Kent, aims to refugees with teaching and support staff experience and or qualifications to find roles in Kent schools. If you are interested in employing an individual living in the UK on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme please get in touch.10) Free Advertising! Finally, our 10th reason for advertising with Kent-Teach is that we can offer you free advertising via our blog! If you are a school, nursery or other education provider with something to say, then we have the platform to help you say it! Perhaps you have tried a new scheme of learning, you had an amazing charity event or you have started a Forest School, whatever makes your school special then we can help you promote it. If you are interested then submitting a guest blog for us to review then please email this to us so we can make a decision whether to publish this on our website. If you are interested in finding our more about advertising on Kent-Teach or about our products and services contact us on support@kent-teach.co.uk or 0330 1249991.Kent-Teach are currently working in collaboration with Homes for Ukraine, Kent to support Ukrainian guests to find employment in Kent schools. Read about our partnership here.