NSPCC Launch Virtual Assembly With Guest Hosts Ant & Dec Posted on 22 October 2020 by Sarah Walker at NSPCC in Schools | Wellbeing In 2011 the NSPCC launched a ground-breaking new service designed to prevent abuse before it even starts, called Speak Out Stay Safe. In the academic year 2019/20 trained volunteers and staff have visited 119 schools and spoken to 32,801 children across Kent and Medway; teaching them how to recognise abuse and neglect and empowering them to speak out if they are worried about anything. However, this all changed when the national lockdown began. As we were no longer able to go into schools we needed to find a new way to reach school children with vital safeguarding messages in a safe and engaging way. With the support of celebrity duo Ant and Dec, the NSPCC have now begun hosting a new virtual version of the Speak Out Stay Safe assembly.This safeguarding programme is aimed at children aged 5 to 11-years-old and is available to all primary schools in the UK.The programme uses child friendly language to help children understand:• Abuse in all its forms and how to recognise signs of abuse• That abuse is never a child’s fault and that they have the right to be safe• Where to get help and the sources of help available to them, including our Childline service.The new virtual Speak Out Stay Safe allows schools to have access to pre-recorded online assemblies, to show to your pupils. The messages are delivered in a fun and interactive way with the help of our mascot Buddy and special guest appearances from Ant and Dec. The online assemblies include pause points to allow for teacher-pupil interaction.We have also developed supporting resources to go alongside the online assembly. These consist of a Pre-Online Assembly Presentation Pack (Key Stage 2 only) to use before and a Lesson Plan to use after the online assembly. They provide fun and engaging classroom based activities that prepare children prior to watching the online assembly and help reinforce learning after the assembly.Speak out Stay safe online has assemblies and supporting resources for pupils in both KS1 and KS2A BSL version is also available for d/Deaf children, and our specially adapted SEND version of Speak Out Stay Safe remains available as usual.Here is a short film providing you with a little more insight as to how the programme will work. What next?Primary Schools across Kent and Medway, please contact sarah.walker@nspcc.org.uk to access the resources. As well as safeguarding our children it is also very important to monitor their mental health and wellbeing whilst in school. Visit Kent-Teach and find support on their blog ‘Mental Health in Schools During Coronavirus Pandemic’.