8 Top Tips on How to Survive Working from Home

As we enter our fourth week in lockdown, many of us will be following the government guidelines and working remotely within the family home. For some of us, this way of working could face barriers and challenges as we all have differing living environments. It’s important to consider that although this can be a popular way of working, some of us are not lucky enough to have an office set up.

In order to ensure that we are all working effectively and maintaining positivity we should all consider the following tips:

1) Get showered and dressed 

Wake up as you would normally do, you will need to keep that alarm clock activated! You may not be fleeing the house to get into the office, but this doesn’t mean to say you get to stay in bed in your pyjamas. Jump in the shower and chuck on some fresh clothes, this doesn’t need to be work attire. Choose bright colours to perk you up and don’t forget a spray of perfume or splash of makeup if you normally do this to go to work. 

2) Write a work to do list

Before you start your working day it may be worthwhile to plan a list of what you aim to achieve and assign timings so that you are aware of how much time you have to complete each task. Sometimes being at home can seem as though you are working for hours on end especially if it is quiet and nobody else is home. Managing your tasks in small chunks can make you feel like you’ve accomplished things throughout the day. 

3) Create a clear workspace 

Clear space means clear head…not many people will manage to work effectively in a cluttered area. Make your space comfortable, try not to sit on your bed whilst working as this can cause back pain and other health issues down the line. Sometimes it is better to leave your bedroom for chill time rather than work so try to work in the kitchen or living room. Get a window open for fresh air and if you are lucky enough to face a garden or outside then try facing towards better views. Try to let in as much natural light as possible, if we are looking to work from home for a few weeks we must try to prevent our eyes from straining. 

4) Check in with your team and colleagues 

Whether it be on Skype, Microsoft Teams, over the phone or text message…Try to check in with a colleague. Ask them how they are doing or if they need any support, it’s crucial for all of you to keep communication going. We may well be isolated and feeling confined but call a colleague and have a joke over the phone or set up a work WhatsApp group to encourage interaction. 

5) Don’t forget to take a break

It’s easier said than done…. Sometimes we may find ourselves working for 6 hours straight without getting up for a break. Allocate your breaks and be strict with them, give yourself time to focus on something other than work! Pop to the kitchen and make a hot drink or switch on the radio for five minutes. 

6) Schedule short walks 

It’s worth noting that a bit of fresh air can go a long way. We need to get some oxygen flowing through our bodies so step outside even if it’s a five-minute walk past your drive! Get those legs moving and take some time to reflect on your day. 

7) Listen to a podcast 

Set yourself up with a podcast on your phone or laptop. Perhaps take a break from the news and headlines and choose a comedy podcast. Enjoy listening to something whilst you work through those tasks. Ask your colleagues for recommendations and perhaps all listen to the same podcast so you can review it at the end of the week!

8) Boost your immune system 

Lastly, we must all maintain healthy immune systems and keep our strength up. Stay hydrated and fill up your water bottles throughout the day.  If you have any leftover fruit and vegetables chuck these into a blender and make yourself a smoothie to start off the day! Brain food is key to working successfully, if we feel good this will also be reflected in the work that we do. 

Set yourself up to succeed whilst working from home. If you are also looking for ways to improve your sleep head to our blog ‘How Much Sleep Are You Getting?’.  

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