8 Ways to Maximise Your Revision Strategy

It is coming up to exam season, so the Easter holidays often means one thing for students up and down the country, exam revision. Here are 8 winning revision tips that will help you maximise your studies and help you to achieve exam success:

1) Make a Revision Timetable

Creating a revision timetable is a great way to start your revision; it will help you to cover all the critical areas and focus your mind on the task at hand. Read our blog for more tips on making a revision timetable that works for you

2) Remove Distractions

It’s important to find a quiet workspace, away from distractions where you can revise. The temptation to message friends or browse social media sites will be strong, so keep your phone away from you so you can concentrate properly. It is also important to keep your workspace tidy, with plenty of natural light and comfortable seating to give you the optimum revision environment.

3) Discover Your Learning Style

Do you prefer to use visual aids, music or actions to remember information? Use this quiz to find out what kind of learner you are to help you tailor your revision techniques. If you are an auditory learner, then you may find it useful to make songs to help you remember key information. Visual learners will find visual aids such as videos or post it notes a good way to revise and process information, while kinaesthetic learners learn best by doing, which means you could try using flashcards to aid revision.

4) Test Yourself

Test your knowledge by asking a friend or family member to test you. Past exam papers can be used to help the knowledge really sink in or highlight any areas you may need to do more revision. It is important that you test yourself on a topic more than once, so test yourself straight after revising, a day later and a week after that to give optimum retention of information.

5) Use Mind Maps

Drawing colourful learning maps will help you to memorise facts and figures. A tried and tested tip from the Kent-Teach Team Leader Elliot, is to turn the paper round to draw the mind map to help improve retention of information; kinaesthetic learners should give this a go as the action of turning the paper can help you remember the mind map’s content.

6) Look After Your Wellbeing

Exams can be stressful, so it is important to look after your physical and emotional health. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, take regular exercise and ensure you get enough sleep, so you are in tip-top condition when taking your exams. 

7) Take Regular Breaks 

Research shows that we learn more by revising in small chunks than in long blocks, so it is important to take regular breaks to avoid burnout. Plus with all the great activities in Kent going on this Easter break, it is important to enjoy your holiday too!

8) Stay Positive!

Although it is important to do yourself justice in your exams, try not to put too much pressure on yourself. There are plenty of study options that you can consider if you don’t get the results you are hoping for which will still mean you can achieve your career aspirations. Remember, if you don’t do as well as you had hoped, all is not lost, these celebrities “failed” their exams and have gone on to have wonderfully successful careers

By following these 8 revision tips you will be productive, satisfied you have done the best revision possible and still had time to relax this Easter break.

If you are looking to improve your concentration while you revise, playing music will do the trick. Here are 5 reasons why music will improve your revision and help you study more effectively.

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