Tips to Become an Outstanding Teacher Posted on 13 August 2018 by Sam H Arnold - Deputy Head and Trainer working with Alternative Curriculum in KS3 & 4 in Career "An outstanding lesson isn't what the teacher does, it's what the student learns."Ofsted defines an outstanding lesson as containing these three components:1. Are all pupils challenged?2. Are all pupils making progress?3. Are all pupils at least engaged and at best inspired?Planning the LessonWhen planning a lesson you need to consider what the students are learning, not what they are doing. Are they acquiring new knowledge? You need to help the students make links between previous learning and new learning. To gain that outstanding grade you need to show the progress of learning and how you track this.This does not need to be a complicated process; below is an example of a 5-minute lesson plan you can use.Starting a LessonBe in control from the very start of the lesson. Ensure you have set the class up before the students enter. Remember this is your environment they are entering. Make sure the environment you have provided is a good teaching environment. It is important to establish a routine in your lessons at the start of the year. Ensure the students appear comfortable with this routine.Having an effective starter to every lesson is essential. The starter should be stimulating, quick and prepare the students mind for learning. These are quick tasks related to the subject. A surprising aspect is always a good starter.The LessonEvery lesson must have a good pace. Tasks should be differentiated to the individuals within your class. Every lesson should include some investigation and self-learning. The more teaching methods you use, the more engaged your students will be. Using questions allows the tutor to assess learning. Encourage independent learning and allow students to research their own information.Most importantly be enthusiastic about your topic.1. Manage Behaviour Effectively2. Ignore bad behaviour and reward good3. Sit down if possible in a confrontation to seem less threatening4. Remember some students have a fear of success5. Be consistent in your approach6. Use a quiet voiceLesson ConclusionIt is important to check learning throughout the lesson but ensure you also check at the end. We use a simple three-question approach with our students.1. What do you know well at the end of the session?2. What do you want to learn more about next session?3. What do you not understand?These are in sticker form and fix into the student's books at the end of every session. The insufficient learning areas can then inform your next lesson.At this point, you should be annotating your scheme of work. Include what needs to be developed and studied further. Ofsted does not want to see a clean never touched Scheme of Work, they want to see a working copy with notes included.FinallyYou should reflect at the end of your teaching session. Reflect on what went well and what you could change in the future.My best advice is to do this with a nice cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.Motivating students for one lesson is a challenge – keeping them continually motivated is an even bigger one, if you need some suggestions here are 6 top tips to motivate your students.