Apprenticeship Levy Quick Guide for Schools Posted on 5 September 2017 by Becky Duncan - Kent-Teach in Schools In April 2017, the Government bought in a new legislation called the Apprenticeship Levy which affects all employers with an annual pay bill of £3 million or more. The levy allows large employers to pay 0.5% of their annual pay bill into the scheme which they can then access at a later date to provide apprenticeship training for new and existing staff members.Many Kent schools are eligible to pay into the Kent County Council levy as KCC is deemed the employer for community and voluntary controlled schools. Therefore, these schools will pay into the scheme irrespective of their individual payroll bill. All other designations of schools such as foundation, voluntary aided and academies would need to assess their wages bill to find out if they should be paying the levy. Schools that are not required to pay the levy may still be able to access some funding for apprenticeship training. The following courses are currently on offer for eligible schools to access through Kent County Council:Teaching and Learning in Schools Facilities Management Laboratory TechnicianBusiness AdministrationPlay Leader ICTSports CoachCleaningFinanceIf you are looking to recruit apprentices or you wish to access apprenticeship training for existing staff then you can contact Chris Homewood from the Employability Skills Team at KCC to find out more.The Employability Team can arrange training courses and for payments to be made on your behalf to training providers making the process simple and easy. To enquire about this contact the Employability Team on 03000 414005 or you can email Chris directly on Don’t forget, you can advertise your apprenticeship vacancies on Kent-Teach. We’ve recently added some new apprenticeship job titles so you will find it quick and easy to add a vacancy. If you need any help, we are always on the end of the phone and happy to help you add a vacancy or provide advice if need be so give us a call! Want to recruit an apprentice but not sure when to advertise? Check out our key recruitment periods infographic.