5 Reasons to go Organic this September

‘Organic September’ is just around the corner and is a campaign organised by Soil Association, a charity and organic certification body. The annual event focuses on encouraging everyone to buy organic produce in order to gain a number of benefits that you may not be aware of. 

Here are 5 reasons why you should go organic this September:

1) Organic produce reduces your exposure to potentially harmful pesticides

Organic food is more likely free from pesticides; over 320 pesticides are used in non-organic farming and these are often present in foods that aren’t organic.

2) There are significantly more nutrients in organic food

According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, there are a higher number of nutrients in organic produce than non-organic foods. 

3) Organic is better for the planet

3.2 million tonnes of carbon would be taken up by the soil each if all UK farmland was changed to organic farming.

4)     Organic farming helps to protect wildlife

Fewer pesticides are used on organic farms; there is up to 50% more wildlife on these farms as they provide homes for bees, birds and butterflies. 75% of UK wildlife is in decline from non-organic farming.

5) Organic farming provides higher standards of animal welfare

Organic animals are healthier, happier animals that are reared without the common intensive livestock farming way that includes the use of antibiotics.

Just a small change in what you eat will help; whether it be filling your cupboards with a mixture of organic and non-organic foods or following the campaign all the way with a complete organic shopping list.

For more information, ideas and inspiration, visit the Soil Association website and get involved for a healthier, organic life. 

Check out these 10 awesome freezable recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner that will ensure you eat healthily and regularly, particularly on those busy teaching days where there may not be time to prepare a decent meal. 

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