20 Benefits of Cycling

**This post has been updated for 2018

Each year in June Bike Week is held which is an annual opportunity to promote cycling and show how cycling can easily be a part of everyday life. Cycling has a number of benefits that will undoubtedly have you on your bike. 

By cycling, you will likely:

1) Get there quicker - it can be faster, particularly during rush hour if you live in a busy town/city and need to go a short distance!

2) Sleep better – exercise helps rid your body of the stress hormone, cortisol, that can prevent a good night’s sleep. 

3) Look younger – according to scientists, cycling regularly can protect your skin against harmful effects of UV radiation. 

4) Improve bowel movements – cycling extends deeps into your core and helps stimulate the contraction of intestinal muscles.

5) Increase concentration levels and brain power – cycling helps build new brain cells in the hippocampus which is the area responsible for memory.

6) Beat illness – exercise boosts your immune system as it makes immune cells more active so they fight infection more effectively.

7) Live longer – you are at a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, all cancer types, high blood pressure and obesity by exercising regularly.

8) Be greener, save the planet – there’s less hassle trying to find a place to park your bike (you can park 20 bikes in 1 car parking space!). A bike doesn’t produce any pollution and it takes a lot less materials and energy to build a bike than a car. Also, if more people cycle, fewer cars will be on the road and therefore you will breathe in less of the nasty fumes. 

9) Lose weight – cycling is a brilliant way to lose weight as it puts less stress on your body than running, particularly if you are overweight.

10) Spend less – by driving less and cycling more, you’ll have more change in your pockets as you won’t be spending money on costly fuel! 

11) Eat guilt free snacks – Hyponatraemia is a condition caused by drinking too much water without enough sodium that can lead to disorientation and other illnesses. So, eating more salt the few days leading up to a bike race helps protect your body against this.

12) Enjoy cycling with the family – it is an activity the whole family can do together. 

13) Improve in other sports – cycling regularly can have a knock on effect with other sports as your aerobic endurance will be stronger. 

14) Increase your brain power – exercise is an excellent way to solve mental blocks, destress and raise concentration levels so if you are struggling, go for a cycle.

15) Help others – many people who cycle raise funds for charity by taking part in bike rides. This encourages people to donate money for a dedicated cause. 

16) Feel the benefits fairly quickly, it’s not too hard – Your fitness improves quickly when cycling on a regular basis – even gentle cycle rides are good.

17) Burn more fat – your metabolic rate increases during cycling and stays high for a couple of hours afterwards so you’ll burn more fat during this time.

18) Develop a positive addiction – replace a negative habit (smoking, eating unhealthily), with a positive one! 

19) Be more sociable – join a cycling club and make friends as well as cycle – the social side of riding could be doing you as much good as the cycling side.

20) Boost energy levels and be happier – if you feel tired you will likely find that a bike ride will increase energy levels and you’ll certainly feel good for it afterwards!  

So, if you get the opportunity, get on your bike and cycle towards a happier, healthier and more exciting lifestyle.

Source: http://www.bikeradar.com/road/gear/article/30-reasons-to-take-up-cycling-23965/ 

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