Are you joining in with this year’s Big Lunch 2016?

This year's Big Lunch takes place on Sunday 12th June and is organised every year by the Eden Project. Millions of people get involved and organise big lunches with their neighbours, families and friends. The event started in 2009 and each year, more people are becoming aware of the event.  It encourages people to socialise more and get to know their neighbours better – a process of ‘social warming’. Studies have shown that people feel a lesser sense of belonging than 40 years ago. The event is just the start of an increased community spirit and will hopefully encourage people to speak to their neighbours more. 

The Local Government Information Unit has assessed the social impact of the events. It found three main positive results. 

  1. Those who participated felt closer to their neighbours, as it strengthened their community. 
  2. It has an ongoing impact and the communication doesn’t just stop following the event. 
  3. It also encourages people from different age groups to socialise. 


In 2010, a survey by Legal and General found that:

  • 61% of British residents don’t socialise with their neighbours
  • 59% feel like they don’t have much in common with their neighbours
  • 50% don’t enjoy spending time with their neighbours
  • 70% wouldn’t recognise their neighbours if they passed them on the street 

Source: 1d4.aspx

Over the four years that the LGIU study looked into the impact big lunch, they found that:

82% of participants felt closer to their neighbours as a result

88% of people met new people at the event

81% thought that it had a positive impact on their community

74% felt a stronger sense of community

82% of participants from 2009-2011 kept in touch with the people they met 


The Legal and General statistics make it clear that more needs to be done to socialise with and get to know your neighbours. The LGIU shows that the Big Lunch initiative really does make a difference!

Why not organise a big lunch in your neighbourhood? Their website offers lots of information and ideas; you can also order a free pack which contains invitations, activities and recipes.

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