How to Secure That Teaching Job Twitter Chat – 2 March 2016 Posted on 29 January 2016 by Admin in EdTech If you’re looking for a new teaching job or would like to hone your application and interview skills, then don’t miss our next exclusive Twitter Chat. On Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 12 – 1pm, our panel of experts will be sharing their knowledge on how you can stand out from other candidates including key points to consider when applying as well as tips for making the right impression during the all-important interview stage. They will be drawing from their years of recruitment and interview experience as Headteachers, so they know what makes an outstanding candidate on paper and in person.Mark this date in your calendar and tune in to great advice on how to land your next job.How to join:1) Sign in to Twitter2) Follow @KentSchoolJobs (if you haven’t followed us already)3) Tweet your question and ensure you include the #KTChat 4) Feel free to answer and comment on other responses by simply selecting “Reply” followed by your tweet.We hope you enjoyed our last Twitter Chat in November 2015 on What makes an outstanding teacher? You can read a transcript of the chat here if you missed it.