Trick or Treating Safety Tips

It's the time of year for costumes, sweets, and tricks and treats. While Halloween offers plenty of make-believe fun, it also brings real safety risks, as children cross dark streets with their minds more on sweets than on cars. Halloween is a fun festival, but it's important to stay safe when children are out trick-or-treating. 

Talk with your children every year about safety concerns and review do's and don'ts before heading out to trick-or-treat. Here are our tips to keep you and your family safe this Halloween. 

1) This may be an obvious safety tip but you should always supervise children whilst they are trick-or-treating.

2) Put emergency contact information on costumes or on a bracelet around your child's wrist in case they get separated from you.

3) Only visit houses where they have placed Halloween decorations, pumpkins or lights on outside so you know that they are welcoming trick-or-treaters. Better still take your child/children to familiar houses where you know the residents to ensure that you will be welcomed and that it is a safe place to stop.

4) Don't stop to pet dogs - even if the dog looks friendly, scary costumes can frighten animals which could cause them to bite or attack.

5) Ensure children's (and adults!) costumes are not trip hazards.

6) Throw away any sweets or chocolate that are not wrapped or are out of their packaging.

7) Don't go inside a stranger's home.

8) Stay on well lit paths and take a torch with you.

We hope these tips help you to have a happy and safe Halloween!

The end of Term 1 of the academic year is in sight and half term is on the horizon for may schools across the country. Kent is a county teeming with fun and spooky things to do to get you in the Halloween spirit. Check our guide to some of the best Halloween activities this half term

Post updated in 2022

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