Wellbeing Lessons for Lockdown 2.0

Wellbeing Lessons for Lockdown 2.0
Usually at this time of year we would look forward to school fairs and Christmas plays but this time we’re on hold and in limbo. As we near the end of the year, it’s tempting to wish 2020 away, but what can we do NOW to ensure our wellbeing in the coming months? Read More...

5 Steps: Leadership for Mental Health in Schools

5 Steps: Leadership for Mental Health in Schools
The 5 Steps framework, just launched by the Anna Freud Centre, calls for change in the way schools and colleges support the mental health of their pupils and staff. This change requires leadership, and ‘Leading Change’ is the first of the five steps of the framework. Read More...

The Effects of Stress: What Causes Burnout in the Workplace?

The Effects of Stress: What Causes Burnout in the Workplace?
Today marks the start of International Stress Awareness Week, a week to highlight the negative impacts of stress on the body. To investigate the levels of stress amongst the education community, we surveyed Kent-Teach website users about their stress levels. The results are concerning, here is what we discovered and what you can do to reduce your stressors and live a happier life. Read More...

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Finding Peace in a Frantic World
In this blog the Kent Mindfulness Coach shares more words of wisdom with us on the impermanence of feelings, good and bad, and how this can help you to "ride out" those stressful moments. Read More...

Teachers – Why did you leave your last role?

Teachers – Why did you leave your last role?
To understand the reasons for teachers leaving their roles we have created a quick pulse teacher retention survey. The survey focuses on why teachers left their roles, this could be to move onto another school, or why they left the profession completely. Read More...

Mental Health in Schools During Coronavirus Pandemic

Mental Health in Schools During Coronavirus Pandemic
The anxieties of protecting staff and pupils from COVID-19 are so huge, yet our education staff are still required to plan and deliver lessons with the highest standards of quality. It is also more important than ever for our teachers to provide emotional support to vulnerable children who may be feeling overwhelmed about the uncertainty we are all facing. Read More...

How Anxiety Affects Your Sleep and How to Change It

How Anxiety Affects Your Sleep and How to Change It
Anxiety is a common mental health condition which affects millions of people worldwide. Although the condition can appear in many forms, there is one thing that they all have in common - anxiety can have a significant effect on how much, and how well you sleep at night. So, if you are living with anxiety and are struggling to get enough sleep, then here are some useful tips that will help you to achieve the rest you need. Read More...