Investing in ‘Me’ Time as a Headteacher

Investing in ‘Me’ Time as a Headteacher
In this blog, one Kent Headteacher discusses the positive impact that coaching and investing in 'Me' time has on wellbeing, professional development and personal development. Read More...

Health Inequality in the UK - Giving Everyone the Opportunity to Live a Healthy Life

Health Inequality in the UK - Giving Everyone the Opportunity to Live a Healthy Life
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted many inequalities that exist in the UK. These imbalances show that there is a distinct link between social deprivation and the ability to live a healthy life. In this article we explore how to give everyone the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle through achieving better financial wellbeing which promotes the World Health Organisation’s campaign to build a fairer and healthier world. Read More...

Supporting Pupils Returning to the Classroom

Supporting Pupils Returning to the Classroom
Covid-19 has impacted all of our lives whether it be professional, personal or both. Children have experienced a great deal of upheaval over the last 12 months and have had to adjust to many changes. For some transitioning back into the classroom will be challenging. In this blog we explore different ways to help children re-adjust to school life. Read More...

3 Tips to Start Making Healthy Eating Choices

3 Tips to Start Making Healthy Eating Choices
Do you ever feel making those healthy choices is too hard? Trust me I get it! Ten years ago, I was a very different man. I was 20 stone heavier and struggled to make wise choices. Fast forward to today, and I am so grateful I changed my life around and learnt how to adopt healthier eating choices. Here are my 3 tips to help get you started on your wellness journey and discover a happier you. Read More...

8 Tips to Make the Most of Half Term

8 Tips to Make the Most of Half Term
For teachers there is a huge pressure to make the most of the half term week; to maximise the time off, to do what needs to get done. It’s a huge contributor to stress and anxiety. The one that, when asked, people say they would most like to support with. So, here are 8 ways you can resist the time pressure this half term and bring some balance back to your life. Read More...

Prioritise Your Wellbeing: Say "Yes" to Yourself

Prioritise Your Wellbeing: Say "Yes" to Yourself
When was the last time you put yourself first before others? Or when you prioritised your own wellbeing and self-care. If you are reading this and struggling to recollect a recent moment where you did something (no matter how big or small) to improve your wellbeing, then today is the day where you can begin to make that change in your life. Read More...

Book Review - The Teacher Gap

Book Review - The Teacher Gap
I was fascinated to find out how real-life teachers actually felt about the profession and what the key triggers were for wanting to leave long-term. The recruitment process to replace a good quality teacher is expensive, time consuming and disruptive for the pupils therefore it’s really important to understand where school leaders may be going wrong. Read More...

5 Home Schooling Truths Every Parent Can Relate To

5 Home Schooling Truths Every Parent Can Relate To
Lockdown is here and we are back to home schooling. Balancing the impossible juggling act of work, young children, caring for others and now teaching! We all have stories to share, some make us laugh, others make us cry! Here are 5 truths about home schooling that I am hoping you relate to and take some comfort in. Read More...