Teachers – Why did you leave your last role?

Teachers – Why did you leave your last role?
To understand the reasons for teachers leaving their roles we have created a quick pulse teacher retention survey. The survey focuses on why teachers left their roles, this could be to move onto another school, or why they left the profession completely. Read More...

Mental Health in Schools During Coronavirus Pandemic

Mental Health in Schools During Coronavirus Pandemic
The anxieties of protecting staff and pupils from COVID-19 are so huge, yet our education staff are still required to plan and deliver lessons with the highest standards of quality. It is also more important than ever for our teachers to provide emotional support to vulnerable children who may be feeling overwhelmed about the uncertainty we are all facing. Read More...

How Anxiety Affects Your Sleep and How to Change It

How Anxiety Affects Your Sleep and How to Change It
Anxiety is a common mental health condition which affects millions of people worldwide. Although the condition can appear in many forms, there is one thing that they all have in common - anxiety can have a significant effect on how much, and how well you sleep at night. So, if you are living with anxiety and are struggling to get enough sleep, then here are some useful tips that will help you to achieve the rest you need. Read More...

National Bike to School Week

National Bike to School Week
According to We are Cycling UK around 3% of 5-16 year olds cycled to and from school in 2018 and 4% cycled to work in England. With the help of people participating, sharing the event on social media, encouraging friends and family to take part this number can continue to grow. Read More...

How Kent Schools Have Adapted Learning Spaces for COVID-19

How Kent Schools Have Adapted Learning Spaces for COVID-19
With children now back in school following lockdown earlier this year, schools are taking various measures to ensure staff and children are kept safe during their return to the classroom. Although home schooling resources have helped parents during the pandemic, there can be no substitute for being in school and for students receiving face to face education from their teachers. Here’s how some schools in Kent have adapted their school buildings to ensure they are Covid safe. Read More...

6 Back to School Tips for Teachers After COVID-19

6 Back to School Tips for Teachers After COVID-19
There is a lot of pressure on teachers, we have witnessed the central role they play in our society and they will be playing a huge part to help support children through the transition back to normal school life. Whilst the ‘back to school’ rhetoric focuses on pupils, it’s the teachers who are under pressure - we must facilitate a smooth transition. Read More...

Hurry up, I’m trying to relax!

Hurry up, I’m trying to relax!
Many teachers can attest that it can be hard to fully relax over the summer holidays when there are essays to mark and lesson plans to create. Educators often report experiencing a conflict of thoughts such as should I be planning? Am I making the best use of this time? Compared with the need to relax take some much-needed time out. Do you feel the same? Read More...

4 Simple First Aid Tips to Teach Your Child at Home

4 Simple First Aid Tips to Teach Your Child at Home
Learning first aid at school can be an important life skill that not only could save lives, but can also help children to become more independent. While most school-aged children are currently out of the classroom due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they can still learn basic first aid techniques by getting creative at home. Here are 4 tips to help parents impart vital first aid and health and safety knowledge to children. Read More...