Bringing Your Authentic Self To Work

Bringing Your Authentic Self To Work
Research suggests that ‘when we experience authenticity…we feel a greater sense of wellbeing.’ When you feel like you can be yourself at work, you feel more comfortable to share your perspective, values, and beliefs. This may result in new innovative ideas, more diverse and inclusive conversations, and ultimately higher productivity. Feeling empowered to be yourself is also a great way to form meaning relationships and deeper connections with your colleagues. Read More...

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders Awareness Week
This week is eating disorders awareness week, which hopes to educate people about the realities of eating disorders. Beat is one of the eating disorder charities focusing on this year’s annual campaign. According to their website, this year they are “campaigning for all UK medical schools to introduce proper training on eating disorders.” Read More...

Free Kent Days out in Half-Term

Free Kent Days out in Half-Term
Some of you may want to get outside in February, weather dependent or not. If you fancy a nice muddy walk-in wellies, why not go to Lyminge Forest, one of the largest areas of woodland in Kent. They also have great cycle routes all around the forest if you prefer that to walking. If you are interested in some more popular forests in Kent, check out this trip advisor list. Or of course you can just go on walks in areas local to you. Read More...

Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying in the Workplace
In this article, we explore staff bullying in the workplace. We signpost key services and important legislation that can support you if you are concerned about bullying amongst staff. Read More...

Tips for Identifying and Managing Stress

Tips for Identifying and Managing Stress
Stress impacts all of us in different ways. There are various causes of stress and everybody reacts to stress in different ways. In this article, we explore what stress actually is and the impact it can have on our physical and mental health. We discuss various stress management techniques, changes that can be made in school settings to improve staff stress and Kent Sport discuss the positive impact exercise and physical activity can have on stress levels. Read More...