5 Simple Ways to Feel Positive

5 Simple Ways to Feel Positive
Like a lot of things in life we get back what we put in. To have positive mental wellbeing we need to make an effort to change our habits and lives. When you are in a positive place you will find that people around you will feel it too. Read More...

ChildLine Schools Service - NSPCC

ChildLine Schools Service - NSPCC
The ChildLine Schools Service is a free service, delivered by fully trained ChildLine volunteers. Through an assembly and interactive workshop, they educate 9 – 11 year olds about the different forms of abuse, such as bullying and neglect, and teach them who to go to for help should they ever need it. They learn about ‘trusted adults’ that you can ask for help; such as a parent, carer or teacher. And they also learn how to contact ChildLine – either over the phone or online. Read More...

How to Beat the "Winter Blues"

How to Beat the "Winter Blues"
It’s that time of year again when you may start to feel down as temperatures begin to drop and days are increasingly shorter with less sunshine. Seasonal Affective Disorder is known as “winter depression” because symptoms are more apparent and tend to be more severe during this time of year.


Kent-Teach's Top Tips for Settling in to Kent

You’ve secured a brand new teaching opportunity in Kent, you’ve found a place to live, decorated your new classroom and met your new pupils…but when you are living in a new area sometimes it hard to know how to kick back and relax when the teaching day has ended… Read More...

Surviving the Autumn Term

Surviving the Autumn Term
The autumn term in particular can feel particularly punishing with curriculum changes, new colleagues to get to know and fresh pupil names to learn, not to mention that as soon as half term hits we start hurtling towards Christmas! These factors don’t exactly add up to a stress-free first term and it’s often your own health and wellbeing that takes the biggest toll. Here are our top tips for surviving the tough autumn term: Read More...

Food & Colour!

Food & Colour!
We often hear about antioxidants being good for us in ‘superfoods’ such as blueberries and broccoli, but what do they actually do and why are they good for us? Read More...