Token Economies to Reward Positive Behaviour

Token Economies to Reward Positive Behaviour
Cognitive behaviour therapy states that you should ignore all bad behaviour and reward the good, but following this advice is not always advisable when teaching. To reward good behaviour, try using a token economy in your classroom, here's how... Read More...

Classroom Display Boards: The Pros and Cons

Classroom Display Boards: The Pros and Cons
Today bulletin boards are so popular that they are not only seen in schools and colleges but also in various corporate offices and other business places. There are several functions of a bulletin board in a school environment... Read More...

World Science Day for Peace and Development

World Science Day for Peace and Development
To celebrate the day last year, students at St Catherine’s School, Twickenham, made a display board below showing how Science and Technology are relevant to their everyday lives. Here are some of their ideas... Read More...

The Big Butterfly Count

The Big Butterfly Count
Take part in the Big Butterfly Count between 20th July and the 12th August 2018 to help conserve butterflies and moths for future generations. Here's how you can join in... Read More...

National School Sport Week (26-30th June 2017)

National School Sport Week (26-30th June 2017)
The Kent Sport & Physical Activity Service would love for schools to really embrace the National School Sports Week this year. Here are some resources and information on how you can get involved. Read More...

The Science of Peer Pressure

The Science of Peer Pressure
There’s a lot of research and science behind the influence others can have on us, and in this infographic, we look at how you can help your class navigate the demands of these everyday pressures... Read More...