Stepping out of the Shadows: Why I Chose to Become a Headteacher

Stepping out of the Shadows: Why I Chose to Become a Headteacher
Less than a year ago, at the Kent Deputy Headteacher conference, a representative from the LA asked the delegates if they were interested in becoming headteachers. Those who were raised their hands - I was not one of them. A month ago, I secured my first headship. So, what changed? How did I go from being adamant that I didn't want a headship to actually taking that next step? Read More...

Getting Started

Getting Started
Let me start by introducing myself, I am (finally) a Primary school teacher in Kent. This is my third teaching role since graduating university in 2010. I don’t know about you, but when I first qualified, I did not know how hard it would be to find a job, let alone know how to be any good at it! Read More...

Teaching in Kent

Teaching in Kent
Gemma Haughey is a 3rd year student at the University of Limerick undertaking her teaching practice. In January 2014 she joined a secondary school in Kent for a week's work experience. She is hoping to teach Science in Kent as a newly qualified teacher in September 2015. Read More...

Ticking Boxes

Ticking Boxes
Last night, in conversation with a senior lecturer renowned for his creative approach to teaching and learning at one of our best teaching colleges, he told me that after spending a day with his Teach First students on creativity in the classroom and when asked how they might channel all this creativity effectively their response was to use it in an ‘oral or mental starter’ or as part of a ‘plenary’. They had missed the point entirely. He was disappointed. They have clearly spent too much time in schools already. Read More...

Men in Early Years

Men in Early Years
Last academic year I remember coming to the end of term 5 with my year one class, saying to my TA that I was looking forward to another year in KS1. Little did I know at the time that I had been given a career changing opportunity that I hadn’t seen coming. Read More...